
Welcome to the thirteenth issue of Baffling Magazine.

This issue marks the first with incoming co-editor, Kel Coleman. I hope you enjoy the stories that we (and our lovely team of associate editors) have curated for you.

These stories spend their time at a threshold. Between life and death, in “The Succubus and the Store Clerk,” “Forte/Foible or At the Center of Percussion,” and “Cold Touch.” Between sea and shore, in “Who Is Truly Alone on the Beach?” and “Advice for Aspiring Cartographers.” And between the numinous and the mundane, in “The Cauldron,” “The Changeling,” and “Who Needs It?”

And upon reflection, each story also bears a thread of liminal reflection, sometimes even wistfulness, woven throughout. Which to my mind, makes them perfect reading for the cusp of Summer and Fall, like it is in DC right now.

I hope you enjoy following those threads as much as we did. Enjoy!

dave ring
Co-Editor, Baffling Magazine

P.S. Our lovely cover is by Kirsty Greenwood and inspired by Lindsay King-Miller’s “The Changeling.” Learn more about Kirsty’s process here.


The Succubus and the Store Clerk