
Welcome to the third issue of Baffling Magazine.

This issue includes sensual and haunting stories of birds and planets, demons and ghosts, assassins and ex-girlfriends.  

Every time we release an issue amidst a plague year it feels a bit like flowing the fluff from a dandelion.  We hope they catch the wind, see a bit of the world, and become a bright pop of color somewhere new.  There may be some possibility of easement on the horizon, but the hardships haven’t let up yet, and we hope that these stories might be a balm or a distraction from whatever troubles each of our readers are managing today.  

It’s also awards season.  When the powers that be offer up shortlists that will soon lead to the accolades that can galvanize a career.  And just as we share in the excitement of those who catch the eyes of the judges, or the nominators, or the adoring public, we also acknowledge the folks on their grind without notice or adoration.  Keep writing, and please consider sending us your stories!

Thanks to our contributors, for telling these vital stories that we have the honor to uplift, and thanks to our cover artist, Savanna Mayer, for bringing one of them so wonderfully to life.  Thanks also to my co-editor, Craig, and to our associate editor Gabriella.  Working on Baffling with each of you has been a delight.

And finally to our supporters on Patreon.  I cannot thank you enough for supporting a new speculative venture, as we navigate the lessons of our first year.  I appreciate every penny, and look forward to growing the magazine with your support.  


dave ring
Co-Editor, Baffling Magazine


Earl Grey